Red Rock Nation

OUR TIRES KICK up red dust from the dirt road as Arizona’s manicured world of golf courses and strip malls recedes in the mirror and my memory. A flock of sheep, bells tinkling, tiptoes into the road as a Navajo grandmother herds them across. As I look left, the...

Postcards from the North

“How delightful it is, and how it makes one’s pulses bound to get back into this reviving northland wilderness! How truly wild it is, and how joyously one’s heart responds to the welcome it gives, its waters and mountains shining and glowing like...

Lost in Las Vegas

IT’S THE OLD chicken-and-egg question: Are people fat because they come to Las Vegas, or do they come to Vegas because they’re fat? The other conundrum that plagues me in Sin City: Why am I here? More precisely, why am I — who does not like to drink...

Humboldt Redwoods State Park

The Avenue of the Giants splits the redwood groves so dramatically it seems Moses paved the road with a wave of his cane. I imagine the Sinkyone Indians, who lived here for thousands of years, hunting and gathering food from these forests. The groves were so thick...

Booming Beijing

Yongdingmenwai. Yongdingmenwai. Yongdingmenwai. Great. I’ve just arrived in Beijing, I don’t know where I am, and no matter how I pronounce my hotel’s street name, it comes out all wrong. Not that the passers-by aren’t trying to understand me....