A Boulder Runs Through It

Picture a house designed by John Muir and the Brothers Grimm, and you’ve got Stonehenge.  Stepping through a boulder cavern, you spill out into a multi-tiered living room 23-foot-high. An 80-ton granite boulder forms one end of the living room; another slab of...

Walking His Talk

LISTENING to John Francis recount his fifty-six years, you might not guess that he was silent for seventeen of them. Looking at his dreadlocks and gold earring, you wouldn’t imagine that he once had a desk job with the U.S. Coast Guard. Idling next to Francis on the...

Tribal Survival

A society without structure, the Ogiek have long roved the highland Mau forests of Kenya hunting and gathering honey, needing neither chief nor council. Now they are fighting for their lands and their lives.   And, with help from Survival International, they are...

SPA Profiles.

Profiles & News American University, School of Public Affairs  Political Communication Grad Masters the Field The Headscarf Divide: Sarah Fischer Against Juvenile “Death by Incarceration” SPA PhD Grad Wins Volcker Award for Groundbreaking Research on...

A Cop Who Cares

Homeless people with mental illness are often punished for “nuisance crimes” they can’t help committing. But Officer Joel Fay knows how to help them get their lives on track. IT’S NOT WHAT YOU’D EXPECT to hear on the streets, but ask...