A Cop Who Cares

Homeless people with mental illness are often punished for “nuisance crimes” they can’t help committing. But Officer Joel Fay knows how to help them get their lives on track. IT’S NOT WHAT YOU’D EXPECT to hear on the streets, but ask...

With a Capitol Bean

HOW MUCH are coffee farmers getting from that three-dollar latte? The global price of coffee has plunged nearly 50 percent in the last three years, in turn plunging some 25 million small-scale coffee producers in poverty, according to hunger relief organization OxFam...

Red Fish, Green Fish

To eat or not to eat? It’s not easy making your way through the tangled nets of sustainable seafood choices — but a host of celebrity chefs want to help. A FEW YEARS AGO, New York chef Peter Hoffman came across a chart listing the best, worst, and so-so...

Behind the Label

How Well Is the Forest Stewardship Council Protecting Trees? Outside San Francisco’s high-tech Sony Metreon complex, environmental activists are rallied around a 200-year-old redwood stump they’ve rolled onto the sidewalk. Inside, the National Resources...

A New Lease

Car parts ended up all over the house. A windshield from a 924 Porsche juts over the plate-glass storefront door, bouncing light onto the walkway. Volvo hatchbacks brace a stair railing. Red, yellow and green road signs tile a bathroom wall. The gas-guzzling...