by staff | Jul 26, 2019 | Food
HOW MUCH are coffee farmers getting from that three-dollar latte? The global price of coffee has plunged nearly 50 percent in the last three years, in turn plunging some 25 million small-scale coffee producers in poverty, according to hunger relief organization OxFam...
by staff | Jul 26, 2019 | Food
To eat or not to eat? It’s not easy making your way through the tangled nets of sustainable seafood choices — but a host of celebrity chefs want to help. A FEW YEARS AGO, New York chef Peter Hoffman came across a chart listing the best, worst, and so-so...
by staff | Jul 26, 2019 | Environment/Sustainability
How Well Is the Forest Stewardship Council Protecting Trees? Outside San Francisco’s high-tech Sony Metreon complex, environmental activists are rallied around a 200-year-old redwood stump they’ve rolled onto the sidewalk. Inside, the National Resources...
by staff | Jul 26, 2019 | Environment/Sustainability
Car parts ended up all over the house. A windshield from a 924 Porsche juts over the plate-glass storefront door, bouncing light onto the walkway. Volvo hatchbacks brace a stair railing. Red, yellow and green road signs tile a bathroom wall. The gas-guzzling...
by staff | Jul 26, 2019 | Lifestyle/Health
Some of Linda Reynolds’ earliest memories are stored not in the pages of a photo album, but in the fuzzy leaves of an African violet. “When I was growing up, we often went to Grandma Michael’s house for Sunday dinner. Afterwards she would take me...