The Italy Edition

The Italy Edition

Happy December, food & foraging friends! Anytime I can combine foraging, furry friends and fine dining, you know I’m in. So when my Rome-dwelling grad school bestie suggested an Tuscan farmhouse stay with onsite truffle hunt and three-course meal, I was...
Nature’s Resilience

Nature’s Resilience

Welp, it’s November, food & foraging friends! I’m going to depart from my normal format this month, because it’s not a normal month. But stay with me, there will be wild edible plants! Kill Bill is one of my all-time favorite movies. And to...
October Surprises

October Surprises

Happy October, food & foraging friends! There’s a lot going on in the world this month, and which harrowing event you choose to claim as this election’s “October surprise” is really dealer’s choice. I for one am ready to turn the...
Brews Gone Wild

Brews Gone Wild

Happy September, food & foraging friends! Benjamin Franklin did not say that beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy (though he did say something similar about wine), but that doesn’t make it less any true. And when we can mix conservation into a...
Late Summer Mushies and Berries

Late Summer Mushies and Berries

Happy (last Hour of) August, food & foraging friends! I’ve been blessed with bountiful berries and mushrooms traveling to both midstate and upstate New York visiting family and friends this month, after missing out on morels, mulberries, and wineberries this...